


A little known fact about me is that I'm a big fan of fluffy romantic comedies. Why wouldn't you want to spend 90 minutes or so watching a film; laughing and ultimately feeling good at the end of it? I don't consider fluffy romance films to be at the absolute top of cinema, but they're good fun, and therefore get a thumbs up from me. The Wedding Singer, however, gets not one thumb up; but both thumbs, firmly, up. So, why does The Wedding Singer succeed more than most films in it's sub genre? Is it the jokes? The beautiful female lead? The gratuitous helping of 80's pop songs? No, it's that this movie has a lot of heart; that's what makes it a winner.

Adam Sandler stars as the quintessential 'loser'. He's a wedding singer, and not a very good one either. He specialises in doing terrible covers of 80's songs. It's not the sort of act that I would want at my wedding. His life gets worse one day, his wedding day, to be exact, when someone doesn't turn up. The bride, that is. Now in a deep spiral of depression, our hero doesn't see any way forward. His next gig is a washout and there's love all around him; even his newfound friend, the cute little waitress that works at the same place as him is getting married. And to a man who doesn't deserve her, I might add. I don't think I really need to tell you what comes next, but even though it's a predictable ride; trust me, it's a ride you want to be on.

Adam Sandler tends to be a very annoying actor; and for that reason he is almost universally disliked, but it is undeniable that he is good in this movie. Nobody else could have given the character what Sandler gave him; his performance is both entertaining and believable, and therefore is just right for the movie. Drew Barrymore was also perfectly cast. She is the perfect girl in this movie; all smiles and sunshine, and it's impossible not to fall in love with her. The movie also features great little turn from Steve Buscemi, who provides the film with one of it's funniest moments towards the start.

As mentioned; The Wedding Singer has a lot of heart. From the way that the characters interact with each other, particularly Sandler and Barrymore, it is obvious that they are in love. The movie also has some points to make on the subject of love; The Wedding Singer portrays that being in love is overall better than being a 'Fonz' type, womanising character. The message at the movie's centre is also a worthwhile one; the movie professes that it isn't important who you fall in love with; it doesn't matter whether or not he's merely a wedding singer, all that matters is the love between two people. The movie says that love is all you need; and that is a worthwhile message in any movie. The movie's message is lost somewhat under the barrage of jokes; but it's most certainly there and I for one think that it's a shame that a movie that is entertaining and funny can't be considered in the same league as other, more serious movies with a similar message.

Overall, The Wedding Singer is at the very top of the romantic comedy genre. It will make you laugh, and you will ultimately feel for the characters. The fact that this movie has something to say is only another reason to recommend it; especially as it says it with a great big smile on it's face. The Wedding Singer is not a film that you will want to miss; it's feel-good at it's best.

